Green Meadow Veterinary Hospital

3446 Green Meadow Dr.  San Angelo, TX  76904
(325)224-2818 (325) 224-3228 FAX


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Thank you for considering Green Meadow Vet

The doctors and staff here at Green Meadow Vet look forward to taking care of the needs of your pet.  Whether you are new to the area, changing vets, or have been with us for years, our commitment to you and your animals is this: "We will devote our time and resources to high quality preventative care and treatment of illnesses."


Cats for Adoption!

New and Prospective Clients:

You can fill out our new client form and send it back to us.  Click here to fill out the form. This is This document is in PDF format.  If you do not have Adobe Reader, you can get it here:


Thank you, San Angelo!

We here at Green Meadow Vet thank you for voting us "Best Veterinarian"  In the Standard Times poll.  This is not something we take lightly.  We value the opinion of our clients and and the opinion of many others in San Angelo and the surrounding communities.  Once again, thank you for your support in what we love to do.